Pro-Optix™ brochure

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All aspects of the nkd spectrophotometer are controlled by the powerful Pro-OptixTM data acquisition and analysis software. Pro-Optix™ is a highly intuitive package, intended for novice and experienced operators alike. The instrument has only one on/off button with all other control handled by the software. There are many automatic features, including a wizard to guide the user through the calibration and data collection process with ease.



Acquistion Wizard

1. The wizard begins by requesting information about the sample and analysis set-up. The number of layers, the nature of the sample, the selected incident angle and polarisation state.



3. Most common thin film materials are already in the Pro-Optix database, so entering the specifications of a new sample to analyse is straightforward.





2. The acquisition wizard walks the user through the steps necessary to collect high-precision transmittance and reflectance spectra. The scanning range and step are selected and the sample position entered if an X Y mapping platform is fitted.

4. Data collection typically takes from two to eight minutes including the self-calibration step which the instrument performs before every measurement. Without further operator intervention, Pro-Optix displays the measured spectra.

Powerful Analysis Software


1. Analysis of the measured spectra is performed automatically with one click using default mode.

2. n and k is determined and plotted automatically with no further user input.

3. Advanced analysis mode provides facility for defining new dispersion models.


In addition to Pro-Optix™, Aquila provide an additional tool to help users find reasonable starting points for material models.
NKView can be used with Pro-Optix™ or as an independent tool to learn about material models.


  Pro-Optix™ is also a powerful data analysis package and is the only software required for determining n, k and d from the measured T and R spectra.

Pro-Optix™ uses a variety of analytical models to represent the complex refractive indices of each material in the sample. These models have been carefully designed to make the data analysis fast and robust.





Starting with initial values from the system's built-in database of known optical properties, the analysis algorithms use intelligent procedures to match the measured spectra with a theoretical model by varying the thicknesses of the layers in the model and the parameters which define their optical properties. n, k and d are determined quickly and simply.






If a particular material is not already present in the extensive database, the advanced analysis mode provides a range of tools to construct and refine a new dispersion model. Models for new materials can then be stored in the database for future use.

Transparent and metallic samples are catered for in the analysis with the use of coherence factors and metal algorithms. Facilities for solar and colour co-ordinate calculations are also provided. s- and p- polarisation spectra can also be combined for accurate profile matching.


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